ChangeThinking with SmithMartin

Category: Social Enterprise

We have embraced the virtual…

Update: 14th February 2024 We have left the office, but remain in contact as always. We have become a remote Partnership – continuing to serve our clients, old and new, from our trusted…

Awards for Social Enterprise

If you are a social enterprise active for two years or more, and can meet the published criteria, you can now apply to the Social Enterprise Awards 2016. The application process is now…

Summer redesign…

As the summer holidays become a memory in 2013 we have brightened our Autumn reading by installing and loading a fresh new design and layout for ChangeThinking, the news and reflection website for…

Social Incubator North now active…

There is a new feeling of enterprise and social business generation abroad in the North of England. Social Incubator North is now taking applications for the new fund, offering support, encouragement and practical…

BME support flowers in Cambridgeshire

We are delighted as a partnership to be the web publishers for the new information directory for ABMEC,  a Cambridgeshire based CIC, supporting the BME community in the county. ABMEC is a lottery…

The Collected Works

We are really pleased to have been jointly instrumental in creating a new collaborative professional partnership in Collected Works. This new group exercises the creative energy of SmithMartin and WilsonGoodchild. The latter is…

World Bank Papers into Puppets – recycling project

Bunker Roy explains an amazing college and concept in Rajasthan, India. An extraordinary school teaches rural women and men — many of them illiterate — to become solar engineers, artisans, dentists and doctors…

Social entrepreneur – five cornerstones

  Starting a business, social or otherwise, is a leap of faith. Faith in yourself or your team, faith in your product or service and faith in your audience, customers or community of…

Charities, Community Groups
and where to from here…

  Charities face closures as local authorities slash funding, making the delivery of community projects somewhere between hard and impossible. ‘Acevo (the Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations) had already shown that…

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