1Free Entitlement for 2 Year Olds

From September 2014 the number of 2 year old children being able to access funded places increases to 40% , reaching out to those who are most in need. They will be able to access up to 570 hours over the course of the year of free early education and care.

Much is talked about ‘school readiness’ and there is a growing feeling which wonders if schools are ready for 2 year olds?

Our partnership offers support and guidance to providers. Our professionalism in Early Years can bring a pragmatic perspective and creative pedagogic approach to 2 year olds.

There is a large amount of research, including the EPPE project which identifies the importance of quality education and care at an early age. This is the parameter on which this project is founded, and the intention for children is to help ‘narrow the gap’ between the more and less advantaged children in our society.

Children will receive more support on social skills, communication and speech development and in areas of personal, social and emotional care and learning, which will forge strong foundations for future learning.

SmithMartin - community and education project development...
Contact direct – suemartin@smithmartinpartnership.com.