ChangeThinking with SmithMartin

Category: Early Years

Ofsted Early Years – Self Evaluation Forms no longer needed

Ofsted Self Evaluation Forms are no longer needed. The Ofsted SEF or self-evaluation form, as produced by Ofsted are longer a requirement for Early Years Providers. This is great news, although many providers…

Families and priorities after June 8th 2017

The UK is moving fast towards the next general election, debates, broadcasts, chat shows and face to face meetings. But what are they going to do to help families? So much talk and…

An Equal Start in Life – Finland’s Baby Box

One of the most beautiful things we have seen is the Baby Box for all newborns in Finland. ‘I started life in a box, we all did!’ said a colleague, who was proud…

Childcare Providers and Wrap-around Care in Schools

In  Children and Young People Now , 07.12.15 – a new announcements on childcare and schools. ‘Childcare providers could be given the right to apply to deliver wraparound care using school facilities…’, Prime…

Carmel Littleton appointed as Head of Children’s Services in London Borough of Islington

Carmel Littleton has been appointed as the new director of children’s services in London Borough Islington, following on from Eleanor Schooling who has moved to Ofsted. Carmel Littleton (Image: courtesy of LBI), has…

Institute of Education Research Findings:
Pre-School Childcare

Provision and use of Pre-School childcare in Britain. Key Research Findings Seminar at Institute of Education, Thomas Coram Research Unit, UCL, London. July 24th 2015 The research was undertaken with the aim of…

Labour plans for universal childcare

Ed Milliband has pledged in his new year message to pursue the policy of universal childcare for all pre-school children and to make childcare a priority, if elected as Prime Minister.(Guardian 30 December…

Happy Christmas

Child Rights Partners

‘Children and young people are to be involved in designing and delivering services aimed at them through a partnership between Unicef UK and six local authorities.’ Children and Young People Now, reported this…

Children’s Centres Ofsted Inspection Changes

From April 2013 Ofsted have made changes to the inspection framework for Sure Start Children’s Centres The main changes are in a reduced set of judgements, from 20 to 4, and a change…

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